
Attending to God in the ordinary

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Attending to God in the ordinary

Brandon Booth
Brandon Booth
June 29, 2023

In this business, I hear a lot about attending to God's presence, and I confess that sort of frustrates me. Especially in the ordinary time of life; in these days where it seems like not much special is happening. What exactly am I attending to? What does it mean to attend to the presence of God?

 For me, I think attending to the presence of God means something more like simply letting what happens happen and what is be.  I think something is amiss in me when I want the presence of God to be big and flashy and out of the ordinary. The Lord delights in the ordinary. The Lord works through the ordinary.  I'm experiencing God when I am at home simply doing what it is that I am here to do, to love my wife and love my children. And when they love me, that is God.  

So attending to the presence of God in the ordinary times really doesn't mean much more than simply being of open to and present to what is, however it is.  Underneath that, what I want to develop, is the growing trust, the growing surrender to that being the work of God. It doesn't have to be something hyper spiritual, but God is at work in my life, growing me, forming me through very normal, mundane means all the time. Learning to simply trust him and let the world be in his hands, well, that doesn't look like much other than just not demanding more.

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