Be a Stranger

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We meet a lot of travelers who feel like strangers in the world. And we feel the same. Signpost Inn welcomes you to stop on your life’s journey. We want to hear your story with compassion.  Embrace being a stranger! The world (and the people) will be opened to you as the wonder they are.

When I travel in unfamiliar circumstances, as a stranger, it can feel awkward, lonely, even a little scary, but there’s also wonder and the opening of new worlds. When I embrace that I’m a stranger, I find it easier to live in the present: it’s ok to be ignorant, curious, ready to be wow-ed. Like a tourist expecting good things on their journey.

I love bringing people to visit the Royal Gorge Bridge right here in Cañon City. Strangers to the experience, they are ready to be present, to perceive and to receive. They know that there’s something amazing coming, but they don’t know exactly what. Their wondering eyes are wide open; they feel the sun and the wind, smell the fresh air and hear the birds. And when the moment comes and they behold the highest suspension bridge in North America, they are speechless.

The Royal Gorge Bridge in Cañon City, Colorado

I often forget how amazing this experience is. I’ve been to the Bridge so many times. But visiting with a stranger I see it anew through the eyes. I remember that I can be a stranger too: it’s ok to be ignorant, curious, ready to be wow-ed. Whether at the Bridge or in my living room, meeting a new traveler, I can be open to the moment, perceiving and receiving.

On your journey, be a stranger! Welcome the world, the people, and the Lord, with new eyes and expect to be wow-ed.

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