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More kind words

"Brandon is a highly perceptive person, and his ability to see deep into the soul is extremely helpful for growth. But it's the pairing of his talents with his restraint in using them that made me feel so supported in my spiritual journey. Knowing that it was so important to him that I talk to God about my fears or anxieties when he could have easily told me great insights from his own skilled perspective made the importance of contemplative prayer really hit home for me. It made me want to accept that invitation into God's presence. And for the first time in a long time, my sessions with Brandon helped me remember that God not only exists but is good. The importance of that cannot be overstated."

-Anonymous directee

Brandon has a way of getting to the heart of what is bothering you without you even knowing it exists. He listens without comments and only comments/asks questions with your permission. He is gentle with his probing knife to expose that which holds us back from fellowship with God.
