Leaving voicemails for God

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Leaving voicemails for God

Peter Gammell
Peter Gammell
March 12, 2024

“...please leave a message after the tone…” 

Does prayer ever feel like dialing God’s number, but never getting through? I have had seasons of my life when prayer feels like leaving voicemails for God. I spend time in prayer, but God doesn’t pick up the phone. It slowly crushes my hope and the next time I reach out there is a bit more doubt in my mind about whether he’ll be there to respond. At moments I have hung up mid dial thinking, “what is the point of calling!?” I’m frustrated at God and fearful that something is wrong with me. 

Can you relate? What do we do with times like this?

First, it’s good to know that I am not alone. I am not strange for feeling that God is letting my prayers go to voicemail. I find comfort that parts of scripture, particularly the Psalms, express the same feeling. It’s worth sitting with passages like Psalm 13 and the relatable expression, “...will you forget me forever?” 

Finding myself in good company with the people of God, I calm down and take a deep breath. I can see the situation more clearly when my fear and frustration have been acknowledged. Now I’m able to hear a gentle reminder and a reframing of my experience. 

I’m reminded that prayer is first and foremost a response to God. I’ve got it backwards if I view prayer as dialing God’s number, as if I had to get his attention or notify him that I want to talk. I already have God’s ear! I’m already in his presence! No need to dial, text, or even go anywhere. Jesus, who gave his life for me also gave me his Spirit! I don’t need to get God’s attention, he’s always already lovingly trying to get mine!

So, take heart, friend. I know it sometimes feels like God is ignoring us. But God has promised us his full attention all the time. So the feeling that God is distant, is just that, a feeling. Understandable, acceptable, but not the full truth.

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