Getting Spam from God

I want to hear from God. Nothing feels worse than leaving voicemails for God, wondering if he even pays attention to me. Yet at times I get a little weary of hearing from God. Let me explain…
Sometimes hearing from God feels like getting loads of messages in my spam box. All the messages seem to be about trying “this” to improve my spiritual formation or practicing “that” in order to finally get rid of that sinful habit.
I don’t really feel seen or heard, I feel like a project. But this is God talking, right? I can’t ignore him! So I read the messages carefully… and that’s when I noticed the sender.

That’s not God at all! That unholy imposter Urgency is back at his old tricks, sowing fear and doubt. Thank goodness we read the message and noticed his demanding tone! Another big giveaway was the fact that he never actually gives concrete direction, but simply leaves us feeling shameful.
Friend, Jesus’ voice is almost never urgent. He is calmly and confidently in control of all things, our lives included! Immediate moral improvement is not God’s first priority. Jesus is interested in faith. When he does convict us and shows us our need for change, he brings us to a place of confession and absolution. Satan simply spreads shame. Jesus names and forgives our sin.
Urgency cries out, “Go now! You have so much more to do!!!” Jesus lovingly reminds us, “it is finished.”
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