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Weeping in the "Not Yets"

April 18, 2022

God always answers prayer in one of three ways- “yes”, “no”, or “not yet”. More often than not, it seems God’s answer to my prayers has been that last one. And the “not yet” feels excruciating-because it feels more like a “no” and it is very hard to tell the difference. Some days, I feel like Job, and I want to raise my fists to God and yell “Why, God? How could you let this happen? When will it end?” 

God did not give Job a reason for his suffering but He did give him an answer. Whatever suffering we may endure, Christ has bore it all for us. He has overcome death! We will have rest! But not yet-and in the midst of “not yet”, we weep. And weeping is just as godly as praying. 

When Lazarus died, Jesus wept for his dear friend. He wept even though he knew with certainty that Lazarus would live again. If that isn’t the perfect example of trusting God while still lamenting the state of our fallen world, I’m not sure what is. So don’t be afraid to cry, but don’t cry without hope. Weep like Jesus, and know that soon, that “not yet” will become “okay, now!”  After all, “One short sleep past, we wake eternally and death shall be no more—death, thou shalt die!” (Holy Sonnet X, John Donne)

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