Brandon's advent meditation: Prepare the way of the Lord!

Are you playing Christmas music yet? So many of us do on Thanksgiving. Or maybe the day after. :) I mean, Christmas is just so close! And with all the chaos in the world these days, I need all the “peace” and “glad tidings” I can get!
And yet…
In the liturgical church calendar we have entered the season of Advent—a time of waiting and preparation for the return of the King—Jesus. Yes, it’s a “reenactment” or remembrance of the time just before Jesus was born, but this Advent I want to focus on you. On today.
We Christians are not stuck merely remembering the past. Not at all! We—today—are part of God’s unfolding story. Jesus is not merely an historical person. Someone who once lived. No, he is the current king of all! Though, for now, the reality of his rule is obscured. Hidden. For now, we trust that his will is being done, even though, to our eyes, it often appears that evil is winning.

But soon—very soon—we will see with our eyes his righteous rule. He will return in glory—in physical reality—to take certain and visible control of all things. This is not a story. This is not vain hope. This is most certainly TRUE. You and I will see that day.
So, let’s prepare for the return of the King. How? Just as those who say his first coming did. Let’s begin with repentance. Not out of fear, but out of joy! The kingdom of abundance and grace is coming! What can I leave behind? What sins, desires, fears, uncertainties are binding me—holding me back? Turn these over to God. Acknowledge them and dump them without shame!
Our God is not concerned with holding your past against you. Indeed he’s not concerned with the past at all. Behold! He is making all things new!
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