Reading scripture (who is God really??)

I want more connection with God when I read the Bible, but sometimes the God I read about in the Bible doesn’t seem like the type of person I actually want to connect with at all!
Sometimes God seems kind of fickle. Today I read the Bible and God seems loving and kind, but tomorrow I’ll sit down to read it and I feel I am confronted by an angry, judgmental God. What am I supposed to do with that? I never know what I’m going to get from God!
Our recent podcast episode was really impactful for helping me see how the entire Bible, even the “angry” passages of scripture, point to the core of God’s character: his deep and abiding love for his children.
Let’s take a look at some passages to see this at work.
In Exodus 34, God tells Moses who God is:
“The Lord is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth, maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin. But he will not leave the guilty unpunished, bringing the consequences of the fathers’ iniquity on the children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation.”
This passage shows us how God interacts with his people. God is constantly forgiving sins and sending prophets to warn and also forgive us. But when people continue on their destructive paths of wickedness, God does indeed respond with punishment and anger.
But even the warnings of wrath show us God’s loving character. What makes God angry? Why does he punish sin so severely? Because he loves his children! It’s when the widows and orphans are being harassed that God responds with vehemence! How dare someone harm the precious children of God!

It’s possible to hear God’s anger as good news! The one who calls me his son or daughter gets really angry at those who would hurt me. I’m valuable to God! It’s not okay that people hurt, abuse, or mislead me.
Still, for me, this can be a bit complicated. I am both a beloved child of God and someone who has hurt God’s other children. I take comfort in the fact that my Father will discipline those who hurt me, but I also know that at times I will receive that discipline too. Thankfully, Hebrews 12:5-6 reminds me that God disciplines those he loves.
God’s anger towards my sin and his discipline is an extension of his love. Sin is always self-destructive. So, what loving Father would stand back while his children harm themselves and walk a path of death?
Friend, God authored the pages of scripture to show you that he loves you and is for you! He will execute justice against your oppressors and also discipline you when needed, all because you matter to him!
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