Good news! We murdered God.

I was sitting with a dear friend as he poured out his anguish. The story of his horrific circumstances brought tears to both our eyes. After some silence he whispered, “I know God promises to turn everything meant for evil into good, but I don’t believe it! How can this ever be good?”
What “this” was for him does not matter. We all have a “this.” We all have sufferings that cannot ever be turned to good. At the very least we all read the same news. How can child abuse, mutilations, or murder ever be good!?
I do not know. But I do know Jesus.
Jesus had a “this.” Jesus carried his “cross” from the moment of conception until the moment he was hung on it. Every breath was a dying breath. Every heartbeat was a countdown. Every act of kindness, every healing, every word of forgiveness was tinged with the specter of his brutal torture, loneliness, and death.
And, here is the greatest evil of all: we murdered God. God came to us with his palms spread in peace. He was waving the white flag of surrender and offering to be our servant as an act of reconciliation. But we rejected him. We beat him, betrayed him, and bled him to death. And for no reason other than spite.

We tortured and killed Faithful Loving-Kindness incarnate. And yet God has made even this good! His murder has become salvation for the entire world!
God’s angels are declaring “GOOD NEWS!” And “GLAD TIDINGS!” We murdered God, but he is not angry with us! His death put to death all enmity between us and him. And he has risen to life again! His arms are still open wide and his heart still bursts with love. “Peace” is on his lips and “forgiveness” is etched in scars on his body. And if God can turn his own murder into good news for all humankind, then I know he can, somehow, make your “this” into good too.
Let your heart be glad, and let your whole being rejoice. Let your body also rest securely. For God is not dead. His risen! And he will not abandon you to hell; he will not let you go. He will reveal the path of life to you. In his presence is abundant joy and with him is eternal pleasure (Psalm 16).
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