Liturgical & Sacramental Directors Meetup August 3

August 3, 10:00 - 11:30 am MST
10:00 am
11:30 am
Mountain Time
Total cost:

A quarterly Zoom Meetup for Spiritual Directors who are at home in, or are curious about, the liturgical and sacramental tradition of spirituality. This is an opportunity to build relationships, learn, and encourage each other.

This time around we are going to be a little creative!

First, we'll start with a round of "speed dating." We'll breakout into rooms with a random partner and have a few minutes to introduce ourselves. It's a fun way to get to know others in the group! Don't worry if you're an introvert, we'll provide questions to structure the conversation if you need it. :)

Second, back together, we'll "open the mic" for anyone. Bring a topic or question you would like to discuss with the group. Or ask that question you have about why priests wear those funny dresses. You could read your latest poem, or bring our attention to an article or resource you know we'll all love. It's all welcome!

To help avoid awkwardness, I've intentionally peppered the August issue of our newsletter with several questions and topics for discussion. So, even if you don't have something to bring, we should have plenty to talk about. 

Join us, for this free event and invite your friends.

Learn more about who we are.

Important details.

per person

Presenters & Hosts:

Brandon Booth

Brandon is President of Signpost Inn and our on-staff spiritual director. He has over 25 years of ministry experience, and a passion for prayer and helping others reconnect to God. He holds degrees in Philosophy and Historical Theology.

Read bio >


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Brandon Booth
