Virtual Workshops

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and firmly believed. ~ 2 Timothy 3:14

Contemplative Prayer Workshops. "I have calmed and quieted my soul like a weaned child with its mother" (Psalm 131).

Sometimes the noise inside our heads is deafening. Our swirling thoughts are like a rowdy cocktail party at which we find ourselves the awkward host. How can we "calm and quiet our souls" and rest in God, "like a weaned child with its mother?" 

Contemplative prayer (sometimes called "centering" prayer) is the spiritual practice of silence. It is a simple, wordless prayer in which we practice casting all our cares on Jesus (1 Peter 5:7). 

Our two-hour workshops teach the biblical roots, history, and method of this simple practice. We also guide participants through a first session, answer questions, and provide a downloadable packet full of resources.  

See our schedule of workshops or schedule a private workshop, anytime, for your group. Conducted over Zoom. Cost is $20 per participant. Contact for more information and to schedule a time.