Advent: The Way Things Really Are. With Rev. Dr. Les Martin
Join our quarterly Zoom Meetup for spiritual directors who are interested in applying the wisdom of tradition to the care of souls.
Topic: Advent: The Way Things Really Are with the Rev. Dr. Les Martin
Advent is about revelation. Whether we are speaking of the first or second coming of Our Lord, the season endeavors to tell us the way things really are. In this talk, we will seek to understand the liturgical framework of the season, apply it to our own spirituality, and also consider how the practices of Advent can be a source of revelation for those we work with as spiritual directors.
Speaker Bio

The Rev. Dr. Les Martin is an East Tennessee native, who moved back to the region in 2022. Prior to that, he was a full-time missionary and professor for 9 years in Nigeria. He is a priest of the Anglican Diocese of Pankshin, where he serves in the role of Canon Theologian and as an Archdeacon. A graduate of Seabury-Western Theological Seminary and Trinity School for Ministry, his interests lie primarily in the fields of liturgics, spiritual formation, and historical theology with a Reformation emphasis. His full-time work is at Methodist Medical Center where he serves as Palliative Care Chaplain. He also has a ministry of spiritual direction, and serves as the Assistant Priest at St. Brendan’s Anglican Church in Maryville, TN. His wife Kate, a Nigerian native, is a commercial airline pilot, and they have one young son, Isaiah Leslie Martin.
Presenters & Hosts:
Brandon Booth