Christ-Centered Spiritual Direction: Insights from Lutheran Spirituality with Brandon Booth
Join our quarterly Zoom Meetup for spiritual directors who are interested in applying the wisdom of tradition to the care of souls.
Topic: Christ-Centered Spiritual Direction: Insights from Lutheran Spirituality with Brandon Booth
In this presentation Brandon will explore the history of spiritual direction and offer insights from Lutheran Spirituality. The unique and sometimes surprising perspectives of Lutheran Spirituality can help us see our directees and the work of a spiritual director with fresh eyes. Come and be prepared to be delighted, challenged, and encouraged!
Speaker Bio

Brandon Booth is a spiritual director and the president of Signpost Inn Ministries. He holds a Masters Degree in Historical Theology and Bachelors degree in Philosophy and has been fascinated by the history of spiritual direction in the Christian tradition since beginning his own training in 2020.
Presenters & Hosts:
Brandon Booth